Parent Connect Birds & Bees

This 6-part class is designed to give parents confidence and a plan.  Phil and Lisa Seris will be leading the class using curriculum from Birds & Bees by Mary Flo Ridley and Megan Michelson.  This class is designed for dads and moms with children ages 1-10 years old.


By educating and empowering your kids, you:

  • Build a foundation for future conversations
  • Protect them from dangers on and offline
  • Have the power of the first impression


Is this for me? If you answer yes to any of these, then this class is for you:

  • You want your child to learn about sex from you, NOT their friends or the internet
  • You want to handle this differently than your parents did, but don’t know how
  • You want CLEAR direction and a PLAN to tackle this topic
  • You want to build open and safe communication in your family
  • You want to protect your kids from the sex saturated culture




2 Message (How to create your family message)

9 Vocabulary (Respectful vocabulary)

16 Birth (The story of birth)

23 Reproduction (Seeds & eggs)



2 Conception (Explaining conception)

9 Continuing the Conversation (Practical ways to continue the conversations with tweens)

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