Passage: Hebrews 9:11-28
The sacrifice of Jesus was once and for all that we might be freed to serve God.
The Levitical Law is quite clear. It is explicit and even gory at times. When sin happens, blood must be shed. Based upon the circumstance or the particularities involved this might look different, but one thing remained, the sin: the wages of sin was death whether it be a bird or lamb or calf or even a person. It seemed to be a never-ending cycle. One would go and make atonement for one’s sins with a sacrifice. Life would get restored, then you would mess up again. You would go back and make a sacrifice again. It was a never-ending cycle of sin and sacrifices to cover those sins. Then Jesus steps in as the sacrificial lamb. He is the Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the whole world. So, He made the sacrifice. He opened the curtain. He made access for us to come before God. So, if we sin again does Jesus have to die again? Do we need to keep sacrificing animals? No and No! The sacrifice of Jesus was once and for all that we might be freed to serve God. Jesus gave himself as the ultimate sacrifice doing what only Jesus could do.