Out of Control


Dan TrempalaOctober 13, 2024

Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:11-18

We are all natural born control freaks. It has been said that the root of control is fear. We fear that life will not work out for us, and as a result, we pursue things that are a sure things and the safe bet. These pursuits are veiled and vain attempts to control life, but if life teaches us anything it teaches us that we are out of control. Ecclesiastes 10:8-9 says, “He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who splits logs is endangered by them.” This world is filled with danger and uncertainty. Even for the Christian we must remember Ecclesiastes 9:1, “Even though the actions of godly and wise people are in God’s hands, no one knows whether God will show them favor.” So, what do we do? Join us as the Word of God takes a painful but necessary look at our lives to reveal why we do the things we do and call us to find significance in the God who makes all things new.

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