How rude! Can you believe that Jesus came into Jericho and ignored everyone else but Zacchaeus who was not only a tax collector but the chief tax collector. It almost seems as if Jesus doesn’t care about them – but wait! Look at the Ripple Effect Jesus left in Jericho – one that impacted everyone in town. Perhaps this is how Jesus chooses to impact people. Could that still be true today? Could Jesus be working through you the same way He worked through Zacchaeus?
Let’s face it, evil has a Ripple Effect as well. Paul was pursuing his passions to persecute Jesus and His Church. The Ripple Effect Jesus creates is one that flips our passions and directs them according to His purpose. How has or is the Lord Jesus flipping your passions?
By definition, a Ripple Effect causes disruption. As a follower of Jesus, we are called to continue His Ripple Effect not by maintaining who others say Jesus is but by confessing Him for who He is. How might your confession of Jesus as Lord continue His Ripple Effect?
The presence of Jesus in the Decapolis caused the people to be “astonished beyond measure.” Was it only a result of Him making “the deaf hear and the mute speak?” Of course, this is astonishing, but could there be more to the story?
A Ripple Effect starts at the center and moves out from where it began. While Jesus was in Nain, He raised a young man from the dead. This is what we see. This is what makes His time in Nain worth telling. But where did the Ripple Effect begin? With compassion! Maybe you’re not able to bring the dead to life, but what Ripple Effect is the Lord beginning through your compassion?
On Independence Day, we celebrate the sacrifice of men and women who were willing to do whatever it takes for freedom. As a follower of Jesus, are we ready to do whatever it takes so that people can find freedom in Jesus?
At different points in our life, we will be confronted with one of two options – Start it Up or Wrap it Up. A wrap it up attitude says, “I’m too old. I’ve already done my part. I can’t risk it. We’ve never done it that way before.” On the other hand, a start it up attitude saves the best for last. Wrap it up attempts to stop or prevent moving forward but start it up is about continuing the Ripple Effect. Do you have a Wrap it Up or Start it Up attitude?
Have you ever changed schools? Changed jobs? Moved to a different state? What was the ripple effect to you and your family? One day, Jesus was in Capernaum walking by the Sea of Galilee. That day He changed to vocation of two FISHERMEN into FISHERS OF MEN. How might the Lord Jesus be working through your vocation to continue His Ripple Effect?
Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Here’s a fairly obvious and not so radical thought: How about you start at the beginning. Right where you are with what you have. In Luke’s Gospel, the public ministry of Jesus starts in a familiar town, His hometown, at the beginning. Jesus began a good work in you (Philippians 1:6). How is His ripple effect still at work?
Have you ever said to yourself, “don’t pray for patience.” We know that patience is hard and impossible apart from the Spirit. However, through the Spirit’s working patience in us, He shapes our character which produces fruit of kindness and goodness. (Pentecost Sunday)