

God’s design is for senior adults to be involved in the full scope of ministry involving seniors. Seniors are an important part of the Body of Christ with faith to believe in Jesus as the Savior from sin and the sure hope of eternal life with Him. It is helpful to use the word SENIOR using acrostic letters to show the full scope of the need and value of senior adult ministry.

S – Spiritual growth in faith in Jesus
E - Enlightening the mind in continual education
N - Nutrition and health issues
I - Intergenerational relationships in the family of believers
O - Outreach as the love of Jesus is shared in words and actions
R – Recreation and fellowship in building and maintaining relationships
S – Service to others in the name of Jesus in the home, work, and play.

Bible Study & Fellowship

Our calendar year is filled with various activities and events of small groups, trips, luncheons, celebrations, and fellowship.  Tom Couser serves as Senior Adult Connect Coordinator and can be contacted by email for additional information at 



Prince of Peace congregation is engaged with an agency called Adult Lutheran Organized for Action (ALOA).
This agency began 30 years ago with the purpose of serving as a resource to congregations in supporting and enhancing senior adult ministry to, with, and by seniors. You are encouraged to contact to find resources and examples of best practices of ministry to and by seniors.

Find out more about Adult Lutherans Organized for Action (ALOA) HERE
