Like Us But Better

Only Jesus

Sabir BashirMarch 9, 2025

Passage: Hebrews 2:5-18

I remember as a kid getting excited when a new Super Mario Bros. was going to come out or the new baseball game. It was exciting. The anticipation was palpable. You couldn’t wait for the new game that was going to be bigger and better than the last one. Sure there was going to be the same cast of characters and the basic tenets of the game were not going to change that much, but you knew when the next one came out it was going to be bigger and better than the last one. The graphics would be better. The game would be more fun. In the same way, Jesus, we are told, is just like us. He was born of Mary just like we were born from our mothers. He knew what it was to be hungry and thirsty, to grieve and to be happy, to be sought after and to grieve. He was tried and tempted in every way just like we are. Yet there is one key difference: Jesus is God. So, when He was tempted, He never gave in. And yet the author of Hebrews wants to make very clear to us that for Jesus to be the author of salvation, He had to be just like us but better. He had to be one of us to save us. He had to taste death that we might have life. Jesus experienced all the things we experience so that we might be saved by Him.

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