Passage: Hebrews
There was an old Saturday Night Live skit about Mike Ditka, the iconic coach of the Chicago Bears. For Chicago sports fans, Ditka was larger than life and adored by many. In this skit, there is a rolling discussion about how great Ditka was. They would debate who was greater. Ditka or a train. Ditka or a hurricane. And so on. And the obvious answer regardless of the opponents was Ditka every time. In many ways, this was how the Jewish people felt about Moses. Moses versus anyone or anything and Moses was going to win every time hands down. He was the hero above all other heroes. He was the greatest and best the Old Testament had to offer. He was the one everyone looked up to. But now the author of Hebrews dares to compare Jesus to Moses and the conclusion is that Jesus is like Moses but even greater than Moses. Jesus is worthy of more glory than Moses. Jesus is over all of God’s house. Jesus led ALL people out of slavery to sin as opposed to just leading Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Jesus was the One promised by Moses, who was Moses 2.0, even greater than Moses himself.